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NF C45-204-3-1998 电气继电器.第21部分:量度继电器和保护装置的振动、冲击、碰撞和地震试验.第3节:地震试验

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-27 15:40:19  浏览:9969   来源:标准资料网
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MIL-STD-3007B, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSESTANDARD PRACTICE: STANDARD PRACTICE FOR UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA AND UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS (01 APR 2002)., This standard establishes procedures for the development and maintenance of Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) and prescribes their use by the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Department of Defense (DoD) defense agencies, and DoD field activities. All DoD components are adopting the concept and practice of sustainable design and development and the use of project rating and scoring systems such as Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED). These and other concepts should encourage innovation and alternatives to the traditional planning, design, construction, and maintenance process. The UFC/UFGS criteria program will implement the concepts of sustainable design and development and continuous innovation into the facilities acquisition and maintenance processes.【英文标准名称】:StandardPracticeforUsingtheMorphologicalKeyfortheRapidIdentificationofFibersforContaminationControlinElectronDevicesandMicroelectronics
