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NF P85-221-2-2010 房屋建筑.填料产品.第2部分:使用标准装置的密封剂的可挤压性测定

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-18 10:23:22  浏览:9157   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE ARP4915
Title:Disposition of Landing Gear Components Involved in Accidents/Incidents
Issuing Committee:A-5b Gears, Struts And Couplings Committee
Scope: This document establishes a procedure for disposition of landing gear components that have been involved in accidents/incidents. The recommendations in this document apply to high heat treat steel components (FTU = 180 ksi and above).【英文标准名称】:RulesforConstructionofPressureVessels-Division3-AlternativeRulesforConstructionofHighPressureVessels
